
暗恋中的丘比特 第02集0

Nanthisa, the dashing girl of the company, she is the head of personal department and is the person whose should see other to follow the company's rules but she was the one who always break it. She come to work late everyday because her house is faraway from the company and she has to wait for the permission from hers grandmother and mother before going to work, which result in Phim commanding her to rent his condo or else he has to kick her out from the company. Nanthisa has bad attitude toward men because of how her grandma and mother always told her about how bad man are and their bitter love relation with their husband. And seeing many girls come out from Anggurt's condo already made things between them bad. In the meanwhile, Marut ask Nannalin to marry him but Aree who is Anggurt and Nannalin mother denied the proposal because she doesn't like Marut. She give the reason that Nannalin can't marry before hers brother which make Nannalin to matchmake between her brother and her friends who like Anggurt. Nannalin accidentally make her friends misunderstand and think that Anggurt is crazy about them. He decided to ask Nanthisa to be pretended girlfriend to chase the girls away from him. Nanthisa accepted his request because she doesn't want the girls to be his target and because the money that he offered Because she believe that she can't find a boyfriend before the next valentine and she might be kicked out from the company.








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